Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's a girl! (19 weeks pics)

I know, I know.. it's been a while since I've posted anything new.  As a lot of you already know, we are having a little girl.  We are excited.  I have to go back for another u/s so they can get a better look at her spine and heart.  I'll keep everyone posted.  

Also, I posted a picture of our tree.  It's specialized with the "star" that Zane made at Awana's and our ornament that Kathryn and Chip got us from Houmas House (where we got married). 


Danielle said...

YAY! New pictures and an update! :) Sorry I was demanding! :) You're little baby belly is so cute! Congrats on the little girl! Have ya'll been trying to think of names yet? I'll be coming into town on Dec. 22nd. I was hoping to get there earlier, but airlines are crazy during the holidays!!

Love, Danielle

Jess said...

Congrats :-) Little girls are so much fun, Amanda! I have some huge bows to pass along! Hope you're feeling well.

with love,